Partners For Good

Partners for Good (PfG) is a Jordanian non-profit organization seeking a viable way to implement the learning and methodologies that have been cumulated through successful programs over the past 20 years in child protection, youth empowerment, good governance and workforce development.

7th Circle, Al-Hashim Complex, 3rd floor,
Masoud Bin Nasser St.,
P.O. Box: 850080, Postal Code: 11185,
Amman, Jordan.

T: +962 6 5824641
F: +962 6 5824651

Yemen Communities Stronger Together

Yemen Communities Stronger Together

Duration: November 2018 – October 2021 Funded by: USAID – Subcontractor to Global Communities Mitigating conflict in Yemen constitutes a major humanitarian and development challenge. Partners for Good, under a sub-contract from Global Communities, is promoting inclusive, community-led development planning and programming. In this…

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