Partners For Good

Partners for Good (PfG) is a Jordanian non-profit organization seeking a viable way to implement the learning and methodologies that have been cumulated through successful programs over the past 20 years in child protection, youth empowerment, good governance and workforce development.

7th Circle, Al-Hashim Complex, 3rd floor,
Masoud Bin Nasser St.,
P.O. Box: 850080, Postal Code: 11185,
Amman, Jordan.

T: +962 6 5824641
F: +962 6 5824651

Montreal Weather App

About The Project

Montreal is a clever weather app designed for use with the the mobile watch. This app took approximately 1 month to complete, with 1 week spend on planning, 2 on development and the final week on testing.

The idea behind the app was to create a watch add-on that can help you plan your schedule, travel or even your outfits by know the weather of your current and future locations. With geolocation and calendar integration the app can accurately tell your the weather you should plan for.

View The Demo

A simple app to help predict the weather for your location and schedule.

Montreal App